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Top 10 business opportunities at Expo 2020 Dubai

With the opening of the world's greatest event a few hours away, businesses will no doubt have a keen eye on events planned at the 4.38 site

The timing of Expo 2020 in Dubai is perfect as far as world exhibitions go.

Conducted under the theme "Connecting Minds, Creating Futures", Expo 2020 - expected to go down in history as the largest event ever held in the Arab world - is not just a six-month spectacular and cultural extravaganza for visitors; it is, above all, an enabling environment for innumerable business deals.

With the opening of the huge event just hours away, businesses will no doubt be watching closely as the 4.38 square kilometres of the site is used for the events planned as the world's economies emerge from 18 months of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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